Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello everyone.
It has been 1 year and 3 months since Tylers accident, it has been one year since he came home to the hospital, and decided to wake up and talk. Oh boy the blessings have flown since that day.. He is having a great year in the 8th grade with all of his buddies. He has had a few surgeries on his eyes. One to help his eyelids open better. The other is to bring his eyes to center. He had the one worked on oh about a month or so ago and he gets the other eye worked on tomorrow. This will allow him to use both eyes at one time with some assistance with some special glasses so he does no see double. So I know it has been a long time since an update but he still is relying on God for his ongoing healing, and all the prayers are still being answered everyday.. Take care God Bless

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20,

Tyler has been very busy the past few weeks. A week ago this past Sunday he got on Premie ( his sister's horse) and road for 45 minutes, and worked on some exercises. He also started school this past week. His favorite part of school was being back with his friends and lunch. It went very well he only ditched his Grandpa once. The teachers found this quite amusing. He went to see to have his hearing tested in Lima today and his hearing is perfect. He also went to Toledo to see his Neuro Opthamologist and his vision is improving. We have some pictures on the horse and of his first day of school. We will try to get them on the blog soon. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jan 8

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and are having
a great start to the New Year. It has been 6 months since Tyler's accident. He has made such miraculous progress. Tyler had a great Christmas and New Year. He has worked so hard that he is going to go BACK TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!! His first day of 7th grade!! Yeah. He is both excited and nervous. He has been working with his walking with his walker more and more. Now remember that he can hear fine, but he can only see out of part of his right eye. So if it is noisy in the halls and you want to talk to him just remember to stand to his right so he can also see that you are talking to him. If he is talking to you and you have trouble understanding him please ask him to slow down and repeat it. He talks well just sometimes he gets in a hurry and is hard to understand. This is a HUGE step in his recovery process and everyones help and understanding at school is important to him, especially in the social aspect of getting back into a routine with his friends. Thanks You So much to all of the local high schools who have continued to support Tyler and his family, with your wonderful, and generous financial gifts, and especially ongoing prayers. He has come a LONG way and we expect and push him daily so he can continue to move forward in his MIRACLULOUS recovery. Thank you and GOD BLESS everyone in this coming year.