Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 103.... Tyler has been doing very well with his therapy this past week. He is walking further with his walker, before his body gets tired. He is talking more and more. This week he showed us how he can move his eyes, side to side and up and down. This is very exciting, because this means the nerve that the Doctors felt was permantly damaged and is getting signals through. This is great stuff. He works hard during the day at therapy and then rests up and has tutoring in the eve, he also works on excercises at night too. Thanks too everyone who participated in collecting pop tabs. This is such a wonderful gesture to help other families in need, to be close to their loved ones who are in the hospita. Thank you for the encouraging words, thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

jessiej said...

Been keeping up with Tyler's amazing progress and saw the piece on the news tonight on WANE TV. I sat there watching, smiling, and crying. God is AWESOME!!! We will continue to pray for the continued success in Tyler's health. He has come so far and can not wait to see what things are to come.

Rob and Jess Davis