Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day. 27.... After many phonecalls, and a tour of St. Joe. Bob and Kara and the doctors decided it was time to transfer Ty to another facility. Tyler has recieved excellent care at Parkview. But he is now consider stable from a medical standpoint, meaning no life threatening issues going on right now. So now it is time to work on waking him up and getting him stronger. After many hours of investigation Kara and Bob chose Toledo Children's Hospital. For several reasons, it is a certified pediatric rehab center, with pediatric specialists. If he would for some reason have a medical problem, eg... his lung collapse or an infection... he would be able to stay right there and be treated right there by pediatric specialists. Where as the other facilities they looked at are good but are slightly geared more to adults, and if he would need medical care he would need to be transferred back to another hospital like Parkview. So for overall care Toledo Children's was their best choice. The plan is to transfer him up to Toledo on Monday. The first couple of days will be very busy with new Docs evaluating his information and him, and coming up with a game plan for his recovery. As far as Tyler right now. He is still at Parkview on the Pediatric Floor, room 315. His chest tube is out, he continues to breathe on his own. The pneumonia has resolved nicely. His neuro status remains at the same stage. We are praying that this move and the aggressive rehab program that they provide will help Tyler continue on his journey to recovery. Please continue to Pray that God guides and controls Tyler's recovery, by healing him and placing the right people in his life at the right time!!!!! We love and Thank everyone out there who have been praying and supporting not only Bob and Kara but the entire family.


The Dowdy Family said...

We are praying for the new game plan! God is an awesome coach & Tyler will be a star player:) Thinking of you all so much & praying for your strength & guidance.

Austin said...

that good toledo is a good place my mom did work there vare nice place keep it u

egrieser31 said...

This is great news that Tyler is doing so well with breathing and the lack of the chest tube. Hopefully the move will not wear him down too much and the new docs can pick up right where Parkview left off. Our prayers are always with Ty and the family and we are hoping for the best. We just moved to Charlotte this past week but are checking the blog every day and are staying informed. Keep truckin' Tyler!!!!!! We love you and are thinking of you.

Eric and Megan Grieser

dhs96 said...

well this sould make you smile......Jason Ruder ( my son ) went up to Toledo Children's Hospital today in hunt for his favorite coach and family. Of course you are not there,yet! lol....I surely hope he doesn't eat that Cherry Cheese Cake I sent with him. Our prayers are with you all! May God Bless!
Jason's Mom

metz said...

We will all continue to pray for Tyler and this new move to Toledo. It is good to know that he is strong enough to make this move and he will be in the hands of such great therapists. As many have said on this blog God is a great healer and he is watching over all of you and will lead you to the strength, care and love you all need and deserve!
~Melissa Metz and family