Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 36.... Tyler had a good weekend. He has his customized wheelchair and is able to go on walks each day. He continues to work hard with therapy. His sister read him a book this weekend and he kept his eye open while she was reading. He is going to get the nerves tested for his vision and his hearing. This will tell us if the nerves are working, not necessarily how well he can see or hear. He continues to make small strides each day. Prayer is powerful and working. THANK YOU so VERY MUCH.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up my friend. You show us all every day that miracles do truly happen. We are with you all the way.

Nana said...

Tyler: You are an amazing young man. Remember you are a WARRIOR, keep fighting!!!!!
Kyle's Nana

Jill said...

Praying hard for all of you.

Stefanie said...

Hello to Tyler and his family...I haven't seen you guys in such a long time but I have been keeping posted on how Tyler is doing through this awesome website and am thankful for all the information that is supplied. I was lucky enough to know the Priest's, at that time just Coach, Kara, Erika, and Tyler, when they lived in Edon and my sister, Shelby, babysat for them quite a bit. I also got to babysit for them at times or just spend time there when my sister was there. What amazing little kids they were. I really enjoyed getting to know them and spend time with them. I know it has been way to long since I have saw all of you but I still think of you and am currently praying for all of you everyday since this horrible accident. Shelby and I think of you often and talk about fun times together. We will continue to think of you all/pray for you and wear our wonderful "Pray for Tyler" bracelets in an effort to how just how much all of you mean to us and how we pray for Tyler to continue to pull through this. I hope at some point to come visit with Shelby but I was so glad that Shelby and Dusty were able to visit, it meant alot to them. I will pray for all of you everyday and we send our love.

Stefanie Rockey-Cullis