Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 59.... Another hard day in therapy. Insurance gave him another week. We will take all the days we can get. He continues to improve small step by small step. The information for the Tourney for Ty. It is being held in Ohio City at the Fireman's Park on 118. It is from 8:00am til 6:00pm on Saturday September 6th. There will be great food all day. The activities include Auto Auction @ 2:00; Silent Auction 9 to 6; Hourly door prize drawings; Duck races 11-3; Dare Water Balloon Cage, Clowns for God, a DJ. There will be a Co-Ed softball Tourney, Co-Ed Adult Volleyball Tourney, Cornhole tourney, Whiffel ball tourney. There is something for the whole family WOW!!! People to contact include for the silent auction, donations, softball tourneY, and cornhole tourney are Regi Phillips 419-238-6412, Stacey Lautzenheiser 419-605-8612, and Jeneane Krugh 419-605-6274. For the Volleyball Tourney contact Shana Evans 419-863-9106. For the whiffle ball tourney contact Jeff Krugh 419-605-6272. THANK YOU to everyone for the support and different fund raisors that you have taken the time to put on for TY.!!!!!! We can not say thank you enough and let eveyone know just how grateful we are for the ongoing support. Tyler's ongoing strength and healing is thru GOD and everyone's support and prayers!!!!!


The Jackson's said...

Bob and Kara, and family--
It was so great to see you all at the fair this weekend. I didn't want to say anything while we were there because I'm sure there are times when you just need a break from it all. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I pray every day for strength, healing, and health for Tyler. Reading your blog makes me appreciate the blessing of my two children in a new way and I thank you for that.
--Jesse (Hammond) Jackson

bonnie tredway said...

Nehemiah 8:10
Do not sorrow,for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Still praying for you Tyler and family. You are going to make it through. God bless you all.

Love your cousin,
Bonnie (Jordan) Tredway

mike, christy, alyssa, jacob &elijah wortman said...

Hey Ty,

Wanted to tell you again how proud I was of you yesterday during your therapy sessions. You did AWESOME!!
You have come such a long way...but remember you have a ways to go so keep up the great work. Can't wait to come and play more games with you..thanks for finding the strength for all of that after all the hard work you had put in earlier. I actually think you were just trying to get me off your case! Anyways, enjoyed the day with you. Take care.

Kara...thanks for trusting me to spend the day with Ty! We did have a great time and I am so proud of him. He is a fighter and maybe just a little bullheaded (is that part of being a teenager or does he get that from you..maybe both!!) Glad I could help out let me know when you need me next.