Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 80.... Ty has been doing very well this week. His hand and finger movements are getting stronger. He has been using one finger for yes and two fingers for no and anyone who talks about the University of Michigan get a special finger followed by a smile. He continues to work on his walking and eating, he had some of his mom's special pumpkin pie. He might get to go swimming again on Friday if the therapist have enough time in their schedule. Thank you so much for everyone's prayers and support. He is getting closer to coming home.


tfiegel said...

I have been following your blog as soon as I heard of the accident. I want you to know Tyler is in my prayers every night. After reading this post I just had to respond. I graduated from VW in 1986, and being the only Michigan fan I believe in Van Wert County, I find it re-assuring that our rivalry gets a rise out of Ty. That's a true Buckeye fan.

All my Hopes and Prayers...
Ty Fiegel

Tell Ty I will meet him on middle ground "GO COUGARS"

bweames said...

I have been following Tylers story and praying for him since day 1, I tell everyone of his amazing story! He is a strong fighter ans is surely led by and held in God's hands! God is so amazing and good to us! I was just wondering, is Tyler technically still in a coma or did they say he came out? I did not read it anywhere but may have overlooked it also.

I also want to encourage Tyler's parents to "keep praising God in this storm" like the Casting Crowns song (which I recommend them to hear if they have never!) I have 2 sons and can not imagine what trials they have gone through, but I beleive that the day is coming for them and Tyler to receive and see great rewards and blessings. They too are in our thoughts and prayers! Kudos to them for just loving and caring for him as parents should, not everyone could be as strong as them in certain circumatances! They are awesome! Keep smiling Tyler and fear not for the Lord God is in your midst, today tomorrow and forever! may God Bless all of you! ~Wendy L. Ames
( P.S. ~ GO BUCKS!!! )

the kebers said...

hey ty
we played at wapak tonight. we lost 28-12.