Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 60..... Ty continues to work hard. He stood up and held his wait for about three minutes at a time. He got his C collar off today so he worked hard on holding his head up on his own. So today was a really big day for him. We would like to give special thanks to the Van Wert County Foundation for purchasing Tyler's calf and to Everyone else who donated more money to him. That was so wonderful! I have one correction to the information for this weekend. They are raffling off a 96 red blazer. The tickets are $20 for one ticket and $50 for three tickets. It sounds like another special event for a VERY SPECIAL YOUNG MAN WHOM WE ALL LOVE!! SO again THANK YOU!!!

1 comment:

B said...

Tyler we are soooo Proud of you!! You are working so hard...Cody says to keep it up he knows how strong you are from all the wrestling you, him and Dolton have done!! Keep it up and hopefully we will see you soon!
Love and Hugs,
Brenda, Jeff, Ashley and Cody
Goodluck tonight Bobby!