Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 13..... Tyler continues to amaze us everyday with his strength and dertermination. He continues to have improvements. He was able to open his right eye last evening. He has decided that when the nurses come in to bug him and do their neuro checks;if he raises both thumbs quickly; they will not pick on him as long and let him rest. Actually this is very good that he is responding better to verbal command. He will occasionally nod his head yes or no. It was a definite "yes" nod tonight when we asked him if he wanted us to be quiet so he could listen to his music!!!!! So he is hearing us and he is improving, just not quite ready to wake completely up yet. As far as infections are going they have adjusted his antibiotics and his body is responding well to them. His stomach is slowly waking up also and he is tolerating his tube feedings much better. As far as broken bones go the facial surgeons checked over his films earlier this week and his left cheek bone is broke and the back part of his jaw on the left is broke, but both areas are in good alignment. So at this point it does not appear that he will need any surgery on his jaw or face. Which is good news. He does have the skull fractures but they too are aligned well. He also has a strernum fracture (the breast bone). He still has his chest tube. He continues to breathe on his own with only a small amount of support with the ventilator. So overall the end of this week has been very good. We Thank God everyday for the miracle that he is performing in our lives with and thru Tyler!!!!.. We also thank everyone for the uplifting comments on this site, visits, cards, and most of all PRAYERS. t


rlw said...

Great news...God is so good.
Sandy W.

Karen Biberstine said...

Such wonderful news!! I hope Tyler stays on this road to a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

mike, christy, alyssa, jacob &elijah wortman said... are doing so well. We know you have a lot left in front of you but you are strong and have a lot to fight for. Your friends are here for you and your family and we continue to pray for all of you.

Kara...the progress is showing. Not as quickly as you would like I am sure, but he is fighting and that is a good sign. Keep up your strength and stay positive. I will be up on Wednesday evening, but if you need anything or even just to talk (or cry!) just call me.

vw_coug09 said...

That is truly amazing!!!! The miracles that God can provide never cease to amaze me!!

Mrs. D said...

Halleluiah! Praise God!

Faith, Hope and Love... Your families are a testament to all three! Thank You!

Darla, Todd and family

aharrow said...

We are so very happy to hear of Tyler's successes and we hope and pray for strength for both Tyler and his family on his road to recovery.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Tyler, you are on your way.

Abby, Jeff and Caleb Harrow

Cassaundra McConnell said...

I'm so glad Tyler is doing better!! It's a miracle he's healing fast!!! Every prayer counts!!!
Cassaundra McConnell

Unknown said...

Tyler... just wanted to say that we are thinking of you EVERYDAY and we LOVE you! Great News on Day 13 .. Keep Fighting.. We continue to pray everyday for you. Love, Larry, Holly, Ariel, Kayla , Bailey

Peaches said...

Dear Bob,

I have been despirate to get word to you but was too uninformed about blog pages to do so.

I tried to find your e-mail address on the Van Wert School pages but failed again.

This is just to let you know you and Tyler have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I heard about the accident.

Please, please, please let met know if I can help in any seems such a small gesture to offer. I can't coach foodtball guys, but I am pretty good with little girls.

I have always held a special place for you in my heart...that space has grown.

It has now been 2 years that we almost lost A.J. Even the doctors didn't think he would make it. Every day I see his dimples puts a smile on my face.

Miracles are out there!!

I think and pray for you all daily!!!!

Your (give me a hug)friend,