Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 21.....Three weeks in. The steps are small but miraculous none the less. Ty had his CT of the head facial bones, and chest today. These will be reviewed by the doctors tomorrow to see the cranial nerves are pinched or damaged and if there are any surgical procedures that may be done to help them. The surgeons have decided Tyler needs a procedure to stabilize the right lung. This maybe don next week sometime. But if the craniofacial (head and face) surgeons feel they need to do any surgical procedures, they will then correlate with the cardiovascular doctors so he only has to go under general anesthesia once. He has been off the vent for over 24 HOURS!!!!! and has been doing very well on his own with a oxygen mask. The chest tube is still in. He was up in his special chair for about an hour and a half today. He still remains in a coma, but will follow simple commands as before. It takes a great deal of energy to breathe on his own, and to do what PT (physical therapy) asks of him, so he sleeps a lot in the afternoon and eve thus responds less. But he is still fighting and working as hard as his body will allow. As per request as to where to bring food, you can bring it to the hospital and Kara and Bob can store it in the room at Ronald McDonald House. Food can be taken to Bob and Marcia's house in Van Wert ( Bobby's parents) or Mia Keirns house in Van Wert (Kara's sister). Thank you to everyone for the wonderful support.


Austin said...

24hrs that is good keep fighting little man
Ausint Genter

The Dowdy Family said...

Way to go Tyler! We are checking in on you everyday through the blog site and continue to pray for you:) Keep Fighting! We look forward to hearing about every bit of progress you make no matter how big or small!

Daryl, Sandy, Calista & Justis Dowdy

metz said...

Outstanding post! So happy to hear he is breathing without the vent. Every step is one step closer than before and each day is a new day that Tyler is fighting and responding! Hold your heads high and try not to get frustrated! Everyone will continue to pray and God will hear those prayers!
~Melissa Metz

The Reicherts said...

It is awesome to hear that Tyler continues moving in a positive direction. We pray daily for his healing and for your peace of mind and strength of body.

"Know that the Lord works wonders for the faithful; the Lord hears when I call out. Psalms 4:4

Gary, Julia and the kids

Mrs. Stoller said...

We are thankful to hear of Tyler's continual progress. We are praying for Tyler and all of you family members--for strength and stamina as you keep fighting together. I am confident that no matter how long or short the journey, God is at the helm, and He will be faithful to hold you all through the struggles and the triumphs of this healing process as you look to Him for guidance and strength. Praise Him for the miracles we are already witnessing! :-) We'll continue to pray for precious healing in God's perfect timing.

Aaron and Michelle Stoller

Anonymous said...

For those of you that have been asking for a place to contribute to the Priest family, an account has now been set up in Archbold. It's at Farmers and Merchants Bank and it's the TYLER PRIEST BENEFIT FUND..
I know that Van Wert also has a fund set up but thought this would be more convenient for those of us that want to give from Archbold. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!!
Thank you to all that are helping out with everything.
Tyler is such a special guy to so many of us, as well as the entire family.
Continuing to pray for blessings and miracles...
Matt and Laurie
Josh, Ryan, Chad, Tyler and Lukas

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good fight my friend. You have earned a special place in not only my heart but the hearts of thsoe around you. For me personally you have shown me that no matter what we can perservere and come back better then ever. I pray for you everydya and think of you constantly. So as to keep the positive vibes going to get you well. COme on you cant be put on th DL you are the man. Coach Robbie