Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 24..... Tyler got to go on a trip today, and has new scenery. They moved him to the pediatric floor. He now is in room 315. He continues to have PT and OT work with him daily. His chest tube is still in, but clamped and his lung seems to be handling it so far. No new changes in his neuro status. We continue to pray that his brain stem will continue to heal.


Ariel Priest said...


We are so glad to learn you are continuing to do better.

Love & Prayers,
Your Cous,
Ariel, Kayla, Bailey

mkhines said...

Bracelets for Tyler:

The bracelets for Tyler are now available at Studio 66 (a hair salon) on St. Rt. 66 just north of Archbold. They are white glow in the dark with black lettering stating "Pray for Tyler" "With God all things are possible". Thanks to the Parsley family for heading up this great fund raiser and an awesome way for the pray warriors to show their strength in pray and support! Bracelets are available at 1 for $3, 2 for $5 and 5 for $10. Tyler you are a great showing of faith and strength as you continue to work and improve everyday! One step at a time, one day at a time! Keeping you and your family in thoughts and prayers daily! The Hines

Nikki said...


The dinner will be held Thursday, August 14, with serving from 4:30-7 p.m., at Van Wert High School. Cost of the meal is $7 and includes half a chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, and a roll. Tickets are available at Derry Drugs or by contacting any high school or middle school football player or chearleader.

Kara, Bob and family... Praying for you daily.

bonnie tredway said...

Just want to send some words of encouragement to you and your entire family. I am your Grandpa Bills cousin. I live in Springfield,Ohio.
We were so sorry to here of your accident,but know that the good Lord is on your side. I would like to share these scriptures with you.

Isaiah 58:8-9
Then your light shall break forth like the morning,Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall cry, and He will say, "Here I am."

Let us hold fast to hope, for God is faithful.

Zephaniah 3:17
" The Lord your God is with you...."

I have seen many prayers in my life answered. And I am believing and standing on God's Holy word that your healing is in the making. Hang in there and know you are not alone. There are many people praying for you even ones you don't know. That's how the family of God works. Love to you and the entire family.

One of your many cousins,

Paula LaRue said...


You would be so amazed to know of the people you've never met that are so concerned about you! The teacher of a class that Mrs. Ragan and I were taking when the accident happened said she's checking your blog to keep up with your progress. We all lift you up to the Great Physician who is full of miracles.

Miss LaRue