Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 19.... Yesterday Tyler hit another rough spot. His right lung has started to collapse again. This time they asked another surgeon who specializes in heart and lungs (cardiovascular) to evaluate him. He did not want to do any surgical procedures to fix the lung at this time. Mainly because Ty obviously would have to undergo anesthesia again, which none of us are real anxious to have that happen. It was decided to place the chest tube back in. This is reoccurring because he is on the vent and his right lung is weak, and the extra pressure at the end of his breath after time is enough to pop a little hole, thus collapses his lung because the air again goes in the wrong place. He may possibly have the tube in until he is off the vent, to help protect that lung, but time will tell. Otherwise having a rough day yesterday, he is hanging right in there. A special note to all of you wonderful awesome prayer warriors. We want to focus on the brain stem and releasing the pressure and healing of the cranial nerves so he can start swallowing, and moving his face, and eye, and building his overall strenghth. Every positive step that has developed has been GOD and EVERY PRAYER that has been said.!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that he is beign a little trooper. He has proven so much that no matter what we face with the prayers of others and help from God we can overocme anything or any situation. Still thinking and praying for you little buddy. Keep up the fight.

Sherry Wyse said...

Glad to hear that Tyler is still fighting. He is Bob's son and I know that Tyler will keep fighting until he WINS. We are praying for you.

Les,Sherry,Rochelle(Rocker) Shannon,Allison Wyse

Anonymous said...

The power of prayer is amazing and awesome!! Tyler has improved so much since the accident. God is, and has been, working a mircle in Tyler and the family! Our family is still praying for you! We will never stop!!!


mkhines said...

To the Priest family:

I have to tell you all, my sitter walked into my house this morning and I saw this bright glow on her wrist (it was early this morning and the lights were off) and I said Wow your wrist is glowing and she said these are the bracelets they are selling for Tyler. She said she kept putting her arm under the covers last night because it was catching her eye when she was trying to fall asleep. They are awesome! Way to go to the Parsley family and whomever else was in on the idea!!! So as the town of Archbold lifts up their prays and "lights" up the nights, please keep the faith and follow the Lords lighted pathway as he guides you on this journey! Way to hang in there Tyler, your an awesome kid and your light is certainly shining brightly!!! God's Blessing!! The Hines'

dhs96 said...

I had just heard about this yesterday and want to send my prayers your way. Bob and Kara you guys are like family to me. I have known you that long. Hang in there and take it one day at a time. Anyone know how I can get one of those bracelets? Also somewhere it mentioned food. Dose anybody know where I can take something that I plan on making?

Mike and Anne Myers said...

Our prayers are with you everyday and it is amazing how Tyler is fighting back. God is working a miracle and truly is awesome. Tyler is such a neat kid and he is a fighter. We will continue praying for him and the family! God Bless!

pam and mick said...

Tyler and Family,
Hicksville Ohio has you in our daily thoughts and prayers! I have been following your blog and daily updates. Keep up the good fight and I'm sure you will make it to the end zone!! Family and friends, continue to be strong! Mick and Pam Pocratsky!