Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 8...... Tyler was up in a special chair today. He was up for about an hour. He is still following simple commands. He is still in a coma. We pray each day for patience knowing God is healing him in his time. The comments are so uplifting. Thank you so much.


jessiej said...

While reading your blogs I am reminded of a quote from "Mistaken Identity" the account from the Taylor University crash. I don't remember it exactly but a lot of times through the ordeal they would remind each other that this was a marathon and not a sprint. Tyler and you all will need to go at the Lord's speed so that Tyler's mind, body, and soul can heal. And as Aesop's fables go...Slow and steady wins the race. May God continue to heal Tyler and also to strengthen him as well as the entire family.

Unknown said...

Tyler and family,

Tyler and the whole family is in our daily and frequent prayers. We pray for complete healing for Tyler. When we first heard of this tradgedy, Natalee immediately remembered Tyler as a "funny boy with yellow hair". She remembered to the T the funny things he has done. Keep these good thoughts and memories at hand to help through these rough times. Also remember to Trust and Lean on the Lord, he will help you and strenghten you.

With thoughts and prayer,
Dean & Michelle (Oyer) Rose family

PPR said...


I heard the awful news and I have been praying for your son, you, and your family. I am gratified by his progress.

Paul Rega

mike, christy, alyssa, jacob &elijah wortman said...

What great news! Tyler you are showing such strength. God continues to hear our pryaers. We are so proud of you. Keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

ralph said...

Dear Bob,

Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers. I believe in the power of prayer and I know that the clouds will clear soon and you will see the sunshine again.
Your friend,
Ralph Tomassi

Carrie said...

Priest Family,

Lifting you up in prayer daily. God's strength, peace, and comfort to you as you face new challenges every day.

Kent, Carrie, & Elena Stamm

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to lift you in prayer daily. Bob, Denise wanted us to bring her to the hospital last night to bring cookies. We have had the flu and didn't want to risk bringing any sickness in with us. We would love to have been able to though. God bless!
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
~ Jim & Ava Burkheimer

ThePhillips said...

Tyler and Family:

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you during this tragic time. Just keep the faith that God knows what He is doing. If God brought you to it, God will see you through it. In honor of Tyler, the Phillips family will be wearing "Pray for Tyler" shirts for the duration of the AYBT basketball season. Best wishes for a speedy and healthy recovery!

Reggie and Amy Phillips
and Family

jcherry said...


I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I am ,however, happy to hear that there has been some encouraging news these past couple of days. Please know that we are holding Tyler, you , and the rest of your family in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.

Jeremy and Noelle

Unknown said...

Hi Guys! We are constantly thinking of you! Joey will see you again this weekend! Please let us know if we can do anything! Be strong!
Love, Joey, Brynne and JT

The Smiths said...

Kara & Bob,
So glad to know that God is still performing miracles in our midst. Not so very long ago, I was awed as He worked through my cousins wife, Becca Strickler. Although it is a long road, God will bless you all!
We will continue to lift up Tyler's name and your entire family in our daily prayers.

God's Continued Blessings,
Jeff & Kari Smith and family

lindamcg said...

Dear Priest Family:

We know first hand the devastation that comes with having a child so seriously hurt. We also know first hand the power of prayer, the support of the Van Wert community, and that both you AND your son can survive these darkest of days. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Kevin and Linda McGonagle
Parents of Lcpl. Brian McGonagle, USMC
WIA in Fallujah, Iraq 4/24/07