Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 72..... Tyler continues his journey. He has been working hard in his therapy, with his standing and walking a few steps with assistance. He even made some sounds today with his speech therapist!!!! He continues to work hard on his swallowing and his swallowing study might be later this week. This test will let the Doctors know what types of food he can safely swallow without any of it going down his trachea or wind pipe. This would be aspiration if this occurs and would be unsafe. So this study lets them know if it occurs with liquid and or certain solids. Once they know this they can decide if it is safe to try different types of liquids and food. So hopefully when he gets this study it will be good and he can start to have more of a diet. Keep praying it is working.


Unknown said...

Tyler keep up the good work!! You are awsome and working so hard. Keep it up!!!!!

R. Strickler said...

Hi Tyler, I know that i have not had the privledge of meeting you, however i know many, many of your cousins and was one of your sister Erica's basketball coaches last year. My wife Becca, who is just 27, had a major surgery on her heart last year and had major complications following her surgery. She had strokes on her brain to heart arythemas to almost everything you could think of. I watched her go through so much just like your family is watching you. There were many days that i was told she wasn't going to make it, but our family, friends, and the community got behind her, prayed for her, and still today are pulling for her to get back to her old self. The same is going around for you and as i read your updates every few days, i am reminded of how she made it through the tough times as will you! I hope one of these days, you and her can meet each other b/c i definately know that you have so much in common even though you both got to where you are going down different paths! Finally i hope to get the chance to meet you also to ask you what is up with your dad's hats he wears in the winter when he drives buses to basketball games! Stay strong and hope to meet you soon!

egrieser31 said...

Hey Ty!!!! I thought your father was a stubborn S.O.B., but after catching myself up with the blogs these past couple weeks, I can tell you are just as stubborn, if not more! You're making some amazing strides forward and you're not letting up. Keep pushing! I can't wait to read about the days ahead! Tell your family that Meg and I said hi, and tell your father to give me a call if he can find time. Love ya man!!!!

Kari and Randy Adopt said...

Continuing prayers for all of you...

Kari (from Center for Civic Education)